Hello there fellow human! I'm Aud, a random artist on the internet hoping use my creative skills to help inspire others.
Please make yourself welcome and snoop around as much as you'd like! If you have any questions or comments after reading through everything, including grammatical errors or suggestions for things to add, please don't hesitate to let me know! (I won't bite 💜)


About Me

Basic Information
I'm a female minor who usually sits in a room all day in the Pacific region of the United States. I'm typically more introverted and quiet, but can be quite sociable given certain situations. While my main hobbies are art related, such as visual art, writing, and worldbuilding, I also enjoy things like gaming, riding roller coasters, D&D, roller skating, messing around with piano keyboards, and organizing both my physical and digital space. 💜
I'm a person who loves to learn, especially when it comes to things related to psychology. I love learning about the history and reasoning for various viewpoints, whether they be connected to religion, politics, or something else entirely. As an artist I highly enjoy learning about psychology in art as well, such as how different colors affect a person's mood or how subtle themes can still be portrayed in a work without it needing to be spelled out in front of you.
I'm a very neutral person when it comes to my own beliefs. Despite believing in god, I'm not part of any organized religious group nor do I want to be. I personally feel better when I'm allowed the freedom to discern the positives and negatives of other's viewpoints and incorporate the good parts into my own. I do my best to continue improving myself and my understanding of the world around me above all else, hoping that my improvement will naturally help me to aid others with their problems. If you want to learn more about my beliefs, you're more than welcome to ask me about them! I don't often get the chance to talk about many intellectually stimulating topics, so I'd be ecstatic to discuss them with anyone who is genuinely as interested in this kind of stuff as I am! :>
I also have a thing for personality tests! I love seeing what both myself and my friends get on those tests because it helps me to understand how different people interact with the world around them. I've taken MBTI tests (I'm an INFJ), an enneagram test (type 9), the big 5 test, those weird tests that determine what princess or animal or whatever other random thing you are, you name it! On occasion I may dive deep into both my personality results and those of people I know.Favorite Media
My favorite games are the GenDesign (aka Team ICO) games! While I mainly enjoy artistic games, I do have a spot for random lighthearted games too. If you want to see my ever growing list of games, you can check out my backloggd account where I list, rate, and share my opinions on games!
When it comes to music, I really enjoy anything 80s, pre-80s, and anything that comes from a good video game soundtrack. I don't have a particular genre taste when it comes to those specific thing, I enjoy anything from metal, rock, pop, disco, synthwave, r&b, you name it. I do have a particular distaste for rap and current pop though... just about anything from 2000s until now. (there are exceptions of course) If you want to see a list of most of the songs I like, you're free to check out my Spodify account!Movies and TV shows are a whole other deal that I don't often write about in great detail. There's a ton of movies and I don't watch many of them anymore. I'll enjoy just about any movie really! If you want to know if I've watched / have an opinion on a particular movie or TV show, all you have to do is ask.

My Artistic Side

My Digital Art Journey
Despite having been known as a creative child by family and friends, I wouldn't say my art journey really kicked off until May of 2021 when I was fortunate enough to meet a few wonderful growing artists on a site called Pixilart. Prior to this time, I always felt like I had so many ideas but not enough skill to capture them. Knowing that there were so many people just like me, people who were just as weird and creative who wanted to grow and share their artistic skill, I felt like I was finally part of something meaningful. Thanks to the support from everyone around me, I've been able to continue improving my art skill at rapid rates.
I have many people in various walks of life that inspire me to continue this journey, but I'll list a few of my inspirations right here. I consider a lovely artist Frost to be the main inspiration behind what sparked my passion. Without having met her, my art journey likely wouldn't have started. Meeting her lead me to meeting all the other wonderful artists I know, as well as being an overall role model of kindness and compassion. Concerning art skill and style, I'd like to shoutout my mutuals Sketch and Mayu as two particular inspirations. I'd also like to shoutout Bean and Sprout as a couple other good friends who shared a lot of this journey with me. But most importantly, I'd like to highlight my friend Neoluce as a great inspiration to me. Teaching me to be more confident in myself, he's been a huge influence on my growth both as an artist and human being.
I also get inspired by a lot of professional artists of course, but a couple of honorable mentions are Akira Toriyama and SamDoesArts. My family, especially my dad, as well as other friends whom I didn't mention here all give me a lot of encouragement that keeps me going as well.
For any other inspirations, just look in some of my social media followings to see some of the people who inspire me, both artist and non-artist!
My Current Art
My art is fairly stylized, though I'm always flexible, looking for ways to experiment, and trying to improve in any way I can. It's hard to put the style I have into words, so you'll just have to see the art for yourself!
In terms of subjects, I usually draw my own characters (as well as places/things from the world my characters inhabit), mutual artists' characters, and fanart of things I enjoy!
I use Clip Studio Paint EX on a windows desktop and an XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro usb tablet for my drawings.
If you'd like to see my artworks, you can go to these accounts:
✨ Cara; Main Portfolio
✨ Instagram; General Art Social
✨ Twitter; General Art Social
✨ Pixilart; Art Journey Progression
✨ DeviantArt; Abandoned Social
Literary Medium
While visual art will always be my favorite medium to express my creativity, I do have a knack for writing. My forte for my the art of literature lies in the realm of narratives, rants / reviews of things I enjoy, and tutorials. With narratives I love writing stories with a little bit of adventure, fantasy, and mystery genres.
I have a couple socials where I post writing-related things if you'd like to see some of my writing.
✨ Substack; Article Social
✨ Backoggd; Video Game Reviews
Connecting It All With Worldbuilding
Just some sites for now until I get the time to add more of a description to this section
✨ Toyhou.se; Character Information
✨ Unvale; Character Information
✨ ArtFight; Annual Character Drawing Event
Other Content
✨ YouTube; Art and Gaming Videos
✨ Twitch; Live Art Streams

Contacting Me

Social Rules
Response times: I do not mind late response times at all, unless the situation specifically calls for timeliness. I personally tend to respond late to various things, so I also don't mind it whatsoever if other people do it. Do know that I believe in it better to respond late than never to respond... so if you're worried about it being rude to respond late, don't even sweat it! I wanna know what you want to say no matter how long it takes you.
Frequently Asked
Commissions: I am NOT open to being on any end of a commission. Anyone who asks me about commissions without any regard to what is said here will be ignored. I do want to be open for commissions in a few years, but I'm taking my remaining time as a minor without an official way to transfer money to increase my art's worth further. And please don't try to suggest work arounds... I already know PayPal exists I just don't want to deal with it right now.
Contact Methods
Discord: I'm most active here, best way to contact me. (username: audtrico / AudTrico#7319. In case link doesn't work)
Cara, Instagram, Twitter: Won't see your message as quickly on these, but still a pretty good way to private message me.
Any social I have an account on that aren't listed here I'm less likely to see your message in a timely manner. You are always free to message me on them though, I won't mind as long as you're alright with my response being late!
My Community
If you're interested in being a part of a chill artistic community, I have my own discord server I'd love for you to join! It's called Runaki's Retreat and I'd love if you could join to help it grow into a much more flourishing network!